Care and Protection

Neotek Surface Coatings Care and Maintenance Schedule

Exterior Care and Maintenance

To maintain and maximize the vehicles paint surface coatings and ensure warranty coverage please follow the care items listed:

  • Wash your vehicle regularly (minimum once a month) with the Neotek (ph neutral) car shampoo range.
  • Remove any contaminates (bird or bat droppings, tree sap, corrosive or toxic deposits) immediately from the paint work (minimum 24 hours) with a soft cloth, the Neotek (ph neutral) car shampoo and warm water.
  • If the contaminate does not completely come off try the Neotek Bug and Tar remover with a soft cloth.
  • To remove any residual surface marks or scratches use the Neotek Fine Line Scratch remover.

If no attempt is made to clean or decontaminate the paintwork, your warranty may be void. Please note that sunscreen must be removed immediately from any painted surface and is not covered by warranty. A professional cleaning charge may be applied if the contaminate or deposit can be removed and has not left a permanent stain, damage or marks. The warranty does not cover cleaning and maintenance of the surface. After all cleaning attempts have been made if there is evidence of any damage, marks or stains please refer to your warranty documents and claim process.

Interior Care and Maintenance

To maintain and maximize the interior surface coatings and ensure warranty coverage please follow the care items listed:

  • Clean your interior regularly (minimum once a month) with a gentle (ph neutral) soap or detergent, soft cloth and warm water.
  • Remove any contaminates or deposits immediately from the surface with a soft cloth, a gentle (ph neutral) soap or detergent and warm water.
  • If the contaminate does not completely come off try the Neotek Spot Remover with a soft cloth.

Please note that sunscreen must be removed immediately from any surface and is not covered by warranty. If no attempt is made to properly clean or decontaminate the surface your warranty may be void. A professional cleaning charge may be applied if the contaminate or deposit can be removed and has not left a permanent stain, damage or marks. The warranty does not cover cleaning and maintenance of the surface. After all cleaning attempts have been made if there is evidence of any damage, marks or stains please refer to your warranty documents and claim process.